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Monday, March 22, 2010

Why can't people be them selfs?

Why can't people be them self?

Well most everyone knows someone who always pretends to be different,
Don't they realize that God made them in his image & loves them the way that they are?
Just be yourself,Don't try to act like something your not...What might seem like faults to you are what makes you YOU to everyone else. (:
Jesus loves you no matter what you look like or act like,He knows the real you that's just waiting to show the world about him!
I definitely agree with the fact that people can be cruel at times,But who cares what other people think anyway?
As long as your spreading God's good news & serving him with all your heart nothing else matters(:

Remember just be yourself,The way Jesus wan'ts you to be!
Hope you have a very lovely day(:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Daily bible study!!

Title: In Proportion
Author: Tony Beckett and Woodrow Kroll

Deuteronomy 16-18, Mark 13:1-20
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 16:17

Bring up the subject of giving and some reactions are standard. The negative person says, "The church is always asking for money." The self-justifying person says, "I tithe." The evading person says, "I gave at the office."

In the midst of instructions for the "Pilgrim Festivals," annual events that all male Israelites were supposed to attend, is a statement on giving.

First, notice the context is one that emphasizes rejoicing in the Lord (16:11, 14-15). These were times of celebration. Our hearts should be filled with the joy of the Lord.

Second, notice that they were not to come empty-handed (v. 16). Words are cheap, but giving costs. The gifts brought reflected the reality of the heart. To give with joy demonstrates the genuineness of our worship.

Third, notice the gift was to be in proportion to the way they had been blessed (v. 17). Yes, this was a tithe. This, however, was not a percentage gift but a proportionate one. In the same way, our giving is to be as "God has blessed" or "in keeping with [our] income" (1 Cor. 16:2).

Some people find joy as they gain and keep. But followers of God have joy, and from their gain, they give.

Does your giving to the Lord's work follow this pattern? Today you can begin to give as God teaches you to give.

Daily devotions courtesy of Devotions.org, a ministry of Back to the Bible.

Sorry. .

I'm so sorry!!

I've been so busy with the holidays that I have not updated this in a while..
Anyway tons has happened lately..But I will post about that later!

Thank you to all my followers^.^
and of course my mother for allowing me to make this(:

I would be nothing without Her..She's everything to me,An always will be!!

Just sending a great big "I LOVE YOU!!" her way..c( :

Anyway the blog will be updated VERY soon!!